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4cLegal News

Pills form the Legal Market 4.0

05 April 2019

4cLegal Academy on Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair interviews the teachers of the 4cLegal Academy: which are the suggestions that you can give to the young people who are just entering the labour market?

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05 April 2019

4cLegal on Italia Oggi

A very important partnership for 4cLegal: thanks to the agreement with ANUTEL, our services can be adopted from more than 4.500 Italian Comuni.

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26 October 2018

Registration opening at ISMEA S.p.A.

Registration in the ISMEA S.p.a. list of experts and professionals opens throughout  Italy.

For Registration, click here.

24 October 2018

In Bergamo the 34° ACMI National Congress. A trip into the digital era

Alessandro Renna speaks at the event organized by ACMI (Associazione Credit Manager Italia) in the occasion of the round table about the innovative solutions on credit management and focuses of the fair compensation proposing digital solution.
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16 October 2018

Milano - Bicocca: PianoBi

iBicocca has organized an event on innovation and entrepreneurship: PianoBi, aimed at the students of Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca. 4cLegal has been invited to the round table on Startups, Accelerators and Incubators to talk about its experience.

15 October 2018

Registration opening at Friuli Venezia Giulia Strade S.p.A

Registrations in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autostrade S.p.A. Attorneys list opens throughout Italy

For Registration, click here

06 October 2018

Tavoli di Lavoro dei General Counsel di Assolombarda: The Digital Beauty Contest

Now available  the abstract of the  Paper on the digital  beauty contest drawn up by the Working Group of the GC of major Italian companies  chaired by our CEO Alessandro Renna. The event "Tavoli di Lavoro dei General Counsel di Assolombarda" focused on the legal procurement and the digital beauty contest.


27 September 2018

4cLegal Academy on Elle

The news of the first legal talent to all young graduates in jurisprudence.

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26 September 2018

4cLegal conference on RADIOCOR - FINANZA

The 4cLegal conference, organized with the University of Tor Vergata and Riparte il futuro, " Lotta alla corruzione: volontà, metodi e strumenti case history e best practice italiane ", on Borsa Italiana breaking news

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25 September 2018

Registration opening ANAS S.p.A.

Registrations in the ANAS S.p.A. Attorneys list open throughout Italy

For Registration, click here

30 July 2018

4cLegal Academy on Il Diritto Quotidiano (Cataldi Law Firm)

Lawyers: it’s coming the Talent Show for all you

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29 July 2018

4cLegal Academy on QuiFinanza

Talent for lawyers: registration opens until September 14th

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27 July 2018

4cLegal Academy on Blasting News, University of Naples Parthenope and ReteNews24

4cLegal Academy: places available for the talent show dedicated to future lawyers

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4cLegal Academy: become Legal Talent of The Year

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A Talent show for lawyers: how to apply by September 14th

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26 July 2018

4cLegal Academy on Master Lex and Roba da Donne

4cLegal Academy: the talent show dedicated to lawyers 4.0 becomes very popular on web

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4cLegal Academy is the “X Factor” to become a lawyer

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25 July 2018

4cLegal Academy on Live UniCT

"4cLegal Academy" is coming, the Talent for becoming a Lawyer in X Factor style

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24 July 2018

4cLegal Academy on Lettera 35

A Talent for lawyers: how 4cLegal Academy works

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